Tag Archives: Music

Five Thoughts on a Friday – The “What the What?!?!” Edition

Hello friends it’s your friendly neighborhood PB bringing you this week’s Five Thoughts on a Friday. This week was a lot of fun with it being Halloween and all. Hope yours was not as soggy as ours. If you are wondering where Beer is well that is hard to say. Something about work and actually doing it to get paid or some damn thing like that, so here I am. Just like Huey Lewis and the News say working for a living right?

Let’s check out what we have going this week shall we?

  1. Like the title says this week is “What the What” and boy is this a doozy. If you wear a costume that says you are one thing, please don’t get arrested for doing it to someone else like let’s say your boyfriend. Just another example that alcohol can lead stupid people to do even more stupid things.
  2. Once in a while even in sports you can make a “What the What” moment. I have played various sports in my days and watched plenty more with friends but this one was truly a “OH HELL!!” moment. If you are a professional soccer player you know the rules buddy.
  3. This one is also from the ranks of too much alcohol can get you into places and situations that when you wake up you say “What the What?!?!?” I know that would be my reaction if I found myself being arrested as I woke up on the back of a horse
  4. This one is a story and non-story at the same time. The man at the center of this story has passed on. Good thing is they didn’t do to him like what he did to a dead whale back in 1970. How does this tie into the theme today you ask? He did what to what to a whale and it did what?!?! Thank you George for this moment most will never forget! 
  5. This is what you don’t want to find when you are hunting ever. If you are in a tree stand and you shoot a deer wait a little longer to come down and check out your prize. If there is another buck hanging around and won’t leave when you come down, I would stay back and do not mess with that buck for sure!! Good thing these guys are quick.

Well folks that’s the Five Thoughts for this week. Hope you had a wonderful Halloween and received lots of treats and no tricks, unless you’re into that kinda thing. In honor of a ground breaking artist that passed this week we say thank you Lou Reed and see you on the Wild side.


Five Thoughts on a Friday – The “What The Friday??” Edition

Happy Friday everyone, and welcome to this week’s edition of Five Thoughts. A big thanks to the King for this week’s title. Boy it’s been a week around here, and as a result the title sure does fit. It’s almost like there’s something in the water (Which is why I prefer beer). That being said, let’s get to it!

  1. We’ll start with the one that prompted the King to come up with the “What the Friday?” theme. I think it’s a fairly well established fact that I’ve had my fair share of boondoggles. But what do you do when you can’t afford, or don’t have the time for a boondoggle? Why, you send your stuffed animals on a boondoggle for you! Or at least, that’s what one company is hoping you will do. And for a price, they’ll chaperone your stuffed friends around the globe.
  2. I’m sure you’ve probably seen the news, at some point recently about how the NSA has been monitoring communications. (The whole Edward Snowden thing and resulting stories). I’m not here to take sides, I’m not here to point fingers. I’m here to tell you that when you’re talking on the phone, sometimes it isn’t the wiretap you need to be worried about in regards to someone listening in. Or um… live tweeting updates about your conversation. Oops.
  3. This one is for our friend Red. After all, I’ve been in the ocean many many times. I know there is an inherent risk. Surfers probably know that even more acutely. But given the number of bad shark attacks in the Hawaiian Islands this year… if you’re on a surfboard and you literally see a shark fin in your general area, isn’t it time to be on the beach? Yes, the shark ‘attacked’ a surfer. And by that I mean bit the board. The surfer ended up off the board on basically on top of the shark. After punching it, the shark retreated. I’m glad no one was really injured. But for staying in the water when you knew for a fact there was a large shark on the prowl in the area? Well, Red?
  4. Hey Red? Don’t go anywhere just yet. Or at least, maybe head over to Austria. They’re going to need you over there. From the news comes a story out of Vienna of a woman trading a live tank shell. I repeat, a live tank shell online. For a picture frame and two bottles of wine. After having used the shell for a doorstop. Take it away Red.
  5. Lastly… Sir Paul McCartney is damned cool. Aside from the being a Beatle, doing spontaneous free concerts, and all that good stuff. You know how else you can tell? Look at the people he can get to be in his latest music video. Yeah, and he can still sort of play a bit, too.

Okay folks, that’s five and I’m off to fight my way through what’s left of the day. And yes, I’m gonna warn you right now. because after all, with calling this the “What the Friday” edition…. there’s was really only one “What” themed song to use, especially since it sort of fits…

Have a great weekend folks!

Five Thoughts on a Friday – The “Weird, Gross, Painful, and Freekin’ Cool “Edition

Hello Folks! You guessed right it’s time for Five Thoughts on a Friday the PB edition. As you can tell from the title it will be the start of the annual October festivities of Halloween soon! I hope to entertain you and not in a scary way……..I hope. The bin is full of thrilling items so as Vincent Price said in a great 80’s song “It’s time for, the THRILLER!!!”

  1. This one is from the “Weird” file. I think we all at one time said I wish I could just disappear for a little while. There are even those times when in a fit of anger you may have said “DROP DEAD!” to someone you like or don’t like. But this guy takes it to a whole new level by wanting to come back from the dead? How does one handle it when a judge says “your dead honey.”  
  2. This one is from the file marked “Cool”. For all of those kids that play with Hot Wheels cars love how they change colors this one is right in your wheel house. Sounds like they finally have it down to have your paint job change colors depending on the weather. TOO COOL!!
  3. This one comes from the file marked “Painful”. People tend to make mistakes when messing with drunk people. With that said doesn’t mess with a drunken lady with a hand grip like a vice especially when she is pissed off! Also don’t let her get a hold of the man parts because that will hurt! We all know how it ends when you start messing with Sasquatch
  4. From the files of “Gross” comes this dandy one. I don’t know what possesses people to do such things like not replacing the toilet paper roll when empty or let your pet stick its tongue in your mouth after knowing it uses it to lick parts on themselves. I still shake my head with at the thought of this. If you see something on the floor that resembles food and did not see someone put it there, why would you pick it up and eat it? I guess you can ask this TV weather guy and also enquire how the cat puke tasted. Yep you guess it he ate cat puke on LIVE TV?!?!
  5. Finally this is from the “FREEKIN’ COOL!!!!” file. Only in New York do they get such fun things happening. This one needs no introduction so ladies and gentleman………I give you………………..Sir Paul McCartney!!!!!!

Well all that’s that for this edition of Five Thoughts the PB edition. It is a wonderful sunny day here in Michigan so please get out and enjoy yourself. I feel a little old school Black Sabbath coming on. So in honor of the army getting closer to making this a reality, I know Ironman would be proud!

On behalf of Beer, The King and me PB, have a great weekend everyone!!

Five Thoughts on a Friday – The “Where to Start?” Edition

Wow, what a week in the world of the weird, wild, and wacky we’ve just had. Happy Friday everyone. We’ve had a lot of things to choose from this week, so in typical Beerbarrel fashion we’re going to throw together some random stories that will hopefully at least think about cracking a smile. Let’s get started on it, shall we?

  1. The problem with having such a wide variety of stories to pick from this week, is figuring out where to start. How about in the Savannah, GA area? That’s where researches have finally found the location of a missing colonial area fort. Now, I realize it wasn’t all that large, and it was way back in the day, and there was – you know – a war going on at the time… But how exactly does one go about losing the location of a fort??? “It was JUST HERE! I swear, this is where we left it!” Still, thought it was cool, so I figured I would pass it along.
  2. It seems that even as a former commander-in-chief, there are a few things that are still out of President Clinton’s reach. Including being able to talk Led Zepplin into reuniting. Maybe he just didn’t use the correct approach. Maybe he should have said he was “On a mission from God“? Worked for these guys…
  3. If you spend anytime reading back through this blog, you’ll see that we’ve mentioned a run of bad events on cruise ships. All of them applying to Carnival cruise lines. You know, running aground in Italy, engine fires and overflowing toilets at sea, breaking lose at the dock, failed inspections, and now… two people going overboard offshore of Australia. I don’t know about you, but I think you’d have a hard time convincing me to even set foot on one of their boats right now. They keep trying to come back though. And every time I read another one of these stories, all I can think of is Mickey’s advice to Rocky in the original movie. “Down, stay down!” In otherwords, waive the white flag already folks. Change your name, something, anything!
  4. I always like to be able to include something about cars in these posts. I always like to include something from the “You’re not real bright, are you?” department in these posts. Every now and then, those two meet up to provide an ideal entry to use in this space. I think the title says it all… Watch A Corvette-Driving Idiot Fail At Donuts Then Commit Hit-And-Run.
  5. Lastly, this comes to us under the “It’s been done” heading. Big headline – “Man uses spoon to break out of Russian maximum-security prison“.  The article goes on to link to another article, and describes how “using only a spoon” to dig a hole through the cell’s ceiling and escape. The authors seem very impressed by that. Apparently they don’t remember the movie “Escape From Alcatraz“.  As I mentioned… It’s been done.

Okay folks, that’s five and I’m out of here. Time to go get the boat tuned up and ready to go fishing. That’s right, Beer’s out again next week. A fishing boondoggle is on tap. Don’t worry though, I’ll make sure to leave to blog in good hands. Heck, the guys will probably need to do another round of picks here soon anyways. In the meantime, since we closed with a Clint Eastwood reference, let’s go with that today!

Have a great weekend!

Christmas Song of the Day – 12-25-12

Merry Christmas everyone!

Well, we made it! it’s Christmas day! Sorry I’m a bit tardy today, already getting ready for the dinner and all. Oh well, on with the last Christmas song of the day for this year. It’s from one of my favorite movies, and it’s also what I’m starting on tomorrow. Christmas Vacation!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Song of the Day – 12-24-12

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! We’re getting close now! Given that it is “The Night Before Christmas” and all, when I stopped and thought about it, there was really only one song to go with today. After all, everyone knows that tonight, well… Here comes Santa Claus.

See you tomorrow for one last Christmas Song!

Christmas Song of the Day – 12-23-12

Good morning everyone, here we are one day closer to Christmas. Today’s song? The story of our weather so far. Cold/hot, cold/hot… <a href=" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yon2YuXssvo&quot; Darned Misers.
See you tomorrow!

Christmas Song of the Day – 12-22-2012

Good morning everyone. Time for today’s song of the day. Hope you enjoy it, but then again who doesn’t enjoly some B.B. King around the holidays?

See you tomorrow!

Christmas Song of the Day – 12-21-12

Good Morning everyone! We’re still here! We’ll get into that a bit later with Five Thoughts, but for now, here’s today’s Christmas song of the day…. Ring the Bells!

See you tomorrow!

Christmas Song of the Day – 12-20-12

Good morning everyone, and welcome to today’s Christmas song of the day. I promised PB I’d use this one tomorrow but upon further review I’m going with it today. Why? Because all those end of the world parties scheduled for tomorrow? They’re pretty much a day late. If the long count calendar ends at midnight on the 21st. Just a reference from Wikipedia… “Midnight is the transition time period from one day to the next: the moment when the date changes”. So tomorrow, it would be too late. And since there weren’t any other appropriate doomsday Christmas songs we turn to Weird Al’s classic… Christmas at Ground Zero.

And end of the world aside…
See you tomorrow for another song! (It think that tells you where I stand on all this, huh?)